Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A World of White (with a little red in it)



Ruth Hiebert said...

Forget it.I was going to chose a favourite but that is just too hard,so they are all my favourites. Beautiful images.

Out on the prairie said...

Had 5 male cardinals at my feeder at once today. Getting lots of snow today.

Jackie said...

I am a Lover of WINTER, so you know I love all these photo's. God's beauty in black and white (and a little red)

Linda said...

Beautiful! Love the little bridge!

Carol Blackburn said...

Hi Mickie, such beautiful winter scenes. You are probably tired of all the white like most of us. Looking forward to Spring.

Ida said...

These are lovely and look a lot like what we've had this week except I never see Cardinals here. Love that shot of the bridge.

Mersad said...

Beautiful captures of the winter season.

Mersad Donko Photography

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You could make a beautiful set of Christmas cards from these images.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, these pictures are beautiful, Mickie. The red bird against the white snow is simply gorgeous. I wish I saw more snow here, but we have been getting rain rain and more rain in California, and very much needed.

Have a nice Sunday.
