Monday, May 12, 2014

Gentle Rain


 Gentle rain comes down
Washing away all that's wrong
A new day begins


carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely gorgeous floral photography after the rain ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

sharon said...

OMG scumptious

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous images. The flowers are beautiful in themselves and only made more beautiful with the raindrops on them.

Out on the prairie said...

Love the iris and that last rose. I grabbed an iris the other day and it was a Japanese Iris that is put around ponds. I plan on looking for a way to make a wet foot for it.

Jackie said...

I love rain drops on flowers/petals. Thank you for sharing, these photo's are beautiful!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

There is nothing like flowers with small rain droplets on them. Beautiful shots.

Linda said...

So so pretty!!!

Arija said...

Rain drenched flowers are just so very special.

Liz said...

These are gorgeous! There is nothing quite like raindrops on roses (and other flowers).

Red Rose Alley said...

I think the gentle rain on flowers makes them even more pretty. LOVE the rose pictures, they are beautiful.
