Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More of the Chalk Art Guy

The Chalk Art Guy
I didn't take these pictures, but the artwork is certainly worth sharing.
It is amazing!!!


Johnny Nutcase said...

so glad you put more up, really enjoy these!

James said...

I've seen pictures of his work before and it always amazes me!

Lois said...

Amazing is right!

EcoRover said...

Holy Cow, scary real this guy's work. Thanks for stopping by at EcoRover last week.

Jidhu Jose said...


Ingrid said...

Wow ! some of them are real artists !

Margaret said...

These look so real.. I think I would get nauseous walking over some of them -- they look THAT real!

Carletta said...

Love that first one!

J_on_tour said...

Thanks for putting more of these on, it was worth it.