Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday- In the Shadows

Veiled in soft shadows
Nuances of light and dark
Create magic blooms


Ruth Hiebert said...

Pretty,is the best word to describe this photo.I love it.

Anonymous said...

Magic indeed, they are beautiful! I like the little purple stamen, they really pop.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! Magic is indeed the word! Gorgeous capture and lovely shadow shot for the day. The flowers are delightful! Hope your weekend is going well!


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Perfect for spring!! Magical indeed. I agree.

Bethe77 said...

Sovery pretty may I learn to take such beautiful photos someday. Thank youf ro sahring them with us. And Im learning so much from your photos thank you.

Angie said...

Spring blossom - summer fruit? Great shot! Love the way the light falls.

Margaret said...

Love the words. Such a beautiful blooming tree. The "spikes" make delightful shadows on the white petals!

Dimple said...

Lovely flowers, Mickie. I like how the stamens and pistils give a lacy effect, and how the colors change depending on the light. Spring is definitely there for you!

You asked how I find the subjects of my photos...Well, I look for what is different: and if I don't find something different, I try to capture what I do find differently from the usual. (I am very glad for digital photography, it has encouraged me to experiment!) My walks take me through the same woods, generally, but the landscape changes with the seasons, the light, and the weather. This is a great help to me in my quest for beautiful, different, images.

Unknown said...

Lovely, lovely shadow shots of flowers that are magical.

Carletta said...

Love the light and shadow play! Lovely!
Mine haven't bloomed yet. :(

Unknown said...

Very pretty. Lovely light.

Hey Harriet said...

Such delicate and pretty flowers. I have no idea what type they are but I sure like them. You captured them so beautifully! Have a wonderful week ahead :)

A Wild Thing said...

Can't wait to see the blossoms on my own trees, they will bring the honey bees only for a brief time, till the farmers start aerial spraying their fields, then all will be lost...why haven't they figured that out yet??!

Pearl Maple said...

magical and colorful view to celebrate the change of seasons

Hootin Anni said... very magical. And the colors combined with shadows makes one awesome composition.

Monarch Butterfly Link

Happy Sunday.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Mickie that is a gorgeous shot of simply beautiful little flowers .. talk about a Spring atmosphere ? those are perfect !
Joy : ) said...

Beautiful shot- I looked thru your others and you do beautiful work.

Eden said...

Lovely photo. Beautiful light.

Have a great week ahead.

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful picture !

Anonymous said...

A beautiful photo!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful shadow shot Mickie!
My Shadows, have a blessed Sunday!

Martha said...

What a gorgeous shot! I haven't played along on Shadow Shots in such a long time. At one time I was totally addicted to it! Thanks for stopping by. I'm your newest follower :-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

what pretty flowers!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful flowers -- here and on your header shot Mickey. Really looks like spring, lovely spring!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I can almost smell the fragrance of those brilliant blossoms, Mickie! Spring is here!


Since shadows are fragments of light,
Most gracefully they can take flight
And soar through the air
(They do this, I swear)
As though they were some sort of kite.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadowy Gates

Lisa's RetroStyle said...


EG CameraGirl said...

Gorgeous blossoms! I'm green with envy. :)

Cassie said...

Wow Mickey, this is a gorgeous ShadowShot. The flowers look so fresh and leave a lovely shadow.

Francisca said...

Your haiku is perfect for these lovely blooms.